How do you know
Knowledge or Certainty is the title of chapter eleven in Jacob Bronowski's book "The Ascent of Man"
Four minute- Video
The book looks at the process required to create the principles
There is a lot of creative thinking that drives innovation. Evaluating ideas can be difficult, the process of knowing takes time and effort.
Knowledge is not absolute and has limits. The idea that knowledge changes is counterintuitive to the certainty that it can imply.
Certainty doesn't rely on proof. It can be based on the ideas of a group, the need to be right, or to win an argument. Certainty is often used to answer questions when the answers are not known and is seen as better than having no answers. It can be the result of limited information or a lack of attention to a source with different information, and it is hard if not impossible to change beliefs.
The Process
Ideas are tested to find the best evidence. Revisions are made as new evidence is discovered.
It is important to question ideas and ask, how could I be wrong. Being wrong is part of the process.
The focus is on ideas, discussing ideas rather than the person expressing the ideas.
Knowledge is more than principles, it is also the underlying process.
The Main Value
The number one value is truth. It must be the top priority, more important than any deeply held belief, the need to be right, or winning an argument. If an idea can not be changed, it is not knowledge. It can be very hard or impossible to change belief.
There are limits to what is known, often the answer is" there is no answer'. The process of knowing resolves differences and finds answers when possible.
Understanding that some things are not known is the alternative to a belief just to have an answer.
Bronowski and Feynman
Jacob Bronowski "The Ascent of Man" videos
"There is no absolute knowledge. And those who claim it, whether they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy. All information is imperfect ". (353).
Physicists Richard P Feynman on Uncertainty - "The pleasure of finding things out" 30 second video
Viewing things on a different scale of time and size creates a broader perspective, from subatomic to astronomical. video
The desire to win an argument, be right, support a group, be a rebel, or not admit to being wrong all make it hard to give up a belief even when there is clear no evidence to support it.
Trust can make it very difficult to question what a group or person says, so it becomes more of a priority than truth.
By focusing attention on how we are responding and categorizing it as emotion or reason creates more awareness and control. With more control it is possible to look at the logic of the situation and see outcomes with less emotion.
Some people have a high level of self-awareness and can separate reason from emotion, others have a hard time being aware of how they are reacting. It is a skill that can be developed with practice.
Knowledge is acquired in different ways like personal experience, deduction, experimentation, and intuition. But most of our knowledge comes from other sources such as friends, family, social groups, social media, schools, news, and science.
It is important to be able to determine if an idea is knowledge or belief. It is extreme to believe the earth is flat, but it is a matter of degree different than other beliefs.
If a source does not consider the possibility that it could be wrong, or never admits to being wrong, then it is not knowledge.
When a source is focusing on winning an argument, or attacking people rather ideas, it not making truth the top priority.
When searching for knowledge, discussing different ideas is important. Concentrate on the ideas and not the person. Pay attention to how you are responding as either emotion or reason. Keep discussions rational by avoid comments, tone, or words that could be perceived as not objective. The anonymity of online conversations has allowed discussion to become less civilized.
Values and behavior are at the core of the discovery process. They offer civility and reason as an alternative. Truth must be a priority over belief. Change and being wrong are part of the process. There are limits to what is known. Self awareness, respect, tolerance, perspective, and humility are necessary.
In addition to the principles of science, the process is just as important.
Some Resources
Why it would be better if everyone thought like a scientist by James Kakalios
Teaching human values to A.I. - Anthroptic
Fast rate of AI learning 4 minute video- Geoffrey Hinton
General relativity for laymen, advice for math students- by Charles Fefferman
Science and Human Values by Jacob Bronowski
C-span hearings on A.I. regulation
Forefathers of Math- by Barry Simon
Academic Influence - help to find the right school and top math professors
Top countries and colleges for math
Sample of journals